
If you enjoy Walrus Network, please consider supporting the site via a small one-time or monthly recurring donation. Your kindness and generosity will better enable me to continue keeping this informational resource online and up-to-date. I sincerely thank you.

allows you to donate an amount of your choosing, or optionally sign up for a monthly recurring donation. 

allows you to donate on a monthly recurring basis, initially billed up-front and then on the 1st of every month going forward.


I am completely grateful for your consideration of supporting the site, and thankful for any and all donations. If you are unable to contribute financially, please consider contributing information, feedback, or sending a simple message to show your support. Everything helps and every form of contribution is valued.

If you have any problems, comments, questions, or suggestions regarding the various donation methods listed above, please don't hesitate to contact me! I can be reached via any of the links on the contact page. Thank you so much for your support! 


I want to extend a massive thank you to Walrus Network's wonderful supporters! Your financial backing is a monumental help towards maintaining the site. 

Hunter Blake

Shirley Pait


Beta Starchild

Nayer Youakim

Danielle Sokol

Michael Fisher

Eva Maria Freihoffer

Stoehr Stefan

Jason Pandachuck

Adeline Witte

Grant Hartman

Dave & Carole Perlman

Your name or organization here!

Thank you for your support!