
male Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens)

born on June 17th, 2018

deceased on September 1st, 2018

Ancestors and Descendants


Odinnadtsatyy (capture ≤ 1997)

Dyna (capture ≤ 1997)

Transfer History

  1. birth 2018-Jun-17 at Tierpark Hagenbeck

  2. death 2018-Sep-01 at Tierpark Hagenbeck

Physical Data

The dates listed here generally represent the time at which the measurements were published, not necessarily the date on which they were taken.


  • 2018-Jun-17: 99 lb · 45.2 kg

  • 2018-Aug-03: 116 lb · 53 kg

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

A naming contest for this pup was announced on August 3rd, 2018, with public voting available on the park's Facebook page and via email. The name options were Halvar and Snorre, from the children's series "Wickie and the Strong Men", and Hodor, from The Game of Thrones.

Although the results of the naming contest were never publicly announced, 'Snorre' won the popular vote and it was confirmed in a press kit published by Tierpark Hagenbeck in January of 2020 that this was the pup's official name.

The pup's mother Dyna was unable to nurse him due to mastitis; although he initially gained weight once fed an artificial formula, his body ultimately to rejected the formula and he failed to thrive. His body was found early in the morning of September 1st.


  • 2020-Jan. Tierpark Hagenbeck. Presse-Information. Retrieved from