Wuhu Macrolink Great Beluga Ocean Park


Current Inventory

None known at this time.

Past Inventory

Wendy (transfer 2023-Sep)

unknown (transfer 2023-Sep)

Amy (transfer ≤ 2023-Apr)


This facility first advertised walruses for their opening in 2016; I have yet to confirm whether or not they ever received animals at that point.

The arrival of the first known walruses for this facility was advertised in March of 2023 -- the facility received females Amy and Wendy from the Grandview Aquarium, as well as an unknown bull from the same location. Amy was soon transferred to another park, while Wendy and the bull were last sighted at this facility via content uploaded by a park guest on September 10th, 2023, with the single-tusked bull later being resighted at Grandview via content uploaded on October 1st. Both are assumed to have been returned to the Aquarium.
