
male walrus (O. rosmarus)

wild caught ≤ 1989

unknown status ≥ 1989

Ancestors and Descendants

No known related animals.

Transfer History

  1. capture ≤ 1989 in wild

  2. transfer ≤ 1989 to SeaWorld San Diego

  3. unknown ≥ 1989 at SeaWorld San Diego

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

Hoagie was discovered as a living, full-term calf still inside his pregnant mother after she had been taken during a subsistence hunt. The pup was held by federal fish and game agent Mr. Hoag, whom he was named after, until he could be flown to SeaWorld San Diego.

Hoagie survived and lived at SeaWorld in the late 1980s, to the best of my recollection -- Unfortunately I have no further information on the remainder of his life nor of his death.


  • 2002-Feb-06. Pure Color, Mike Kelly Photography. Field Notes: San Diego - Hogie. Retrieved from PureColor.com.

  • Mike Kelly, personal communication.