
male Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens)

wild caught in 1992

deceased in 1992

Ancestors and Descendants

No known related animals.

Transfer History

  1. capture 1992 in Wrangel Island, Russia

  2. transfer 1992 to Izu-Mito Sea Paradise

  3. death 1992 at Izu-Mito Sea Paradise

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

This pup was captured alongside two others at three months old (most likely during or near October), and were sent directly from the capture site en route to Izu-Mito.

This individual passed away five days after transfer; his cause of death was listed as circulatory insufficiency due to capture stress syndrome.


  • 1989. Nakajima, Kayama, & Kamiya. タイヘイヨウセイウチの形態学的研究。Retrieved from JAZA.jp.

  • 1989. Nakajima, Kayama, & Kamiya. タイヘイヨウセイウチの臨床・剖検記録。Retrieved from JAZA.jp.