
female Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens)

born on May 8th, 2009

deceased on May 9th, 2009

Ancestors and Descendants


Igor (capture 1983)

Rossita (capture 1995)

Transfer History

  1. birth 2009-May-08 at Dolfinarium Harderwijk

  2. death 2009-May-09 at Dolfinarium Harderwijk

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.



Notes and Information

Pavla, whose name means 'small', was estimated by the Dolfinarium to have been born a few weeks premature on the morning of May 8th. The pup never nursed from her mother, and on the following day the staff made the decision to manually feed her. Though she apparently took well to the process, the pup still passed away that day. Her body was transferred to the Utrecht University in order for a necropsy to be performed.


  • S. Renierkens (personal communication, February 13, 2019).