

male Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens

wild caught ≥ 2001

living at Bakhchisarai Miniature Park

Ancestors and Descendants

No known related animals at this time.

Transfer History

Physical Data

The dates listed here generally represent the time at which the measurements were published, not necessarily the date on which they were taken.


Daily diet

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

Saltan's age is not certain; he was said in January of 2008 to be four years old, and 19 years old in January of 2021, meaning he may have been born at any point between 2001 to 2004.

In 2005 Saltan was sent to perform at Aquatoria Yalta on a three-year contract, but was never returned after that point, and has remained based at Yalta ever since (though he was frequently transferred to perform at other venues on contract). 
