
male Pacific walrus (O. rosmarus)

wild caught in May, 1961

deceased on August 23rd, 1962

Ancestors and Descendants

No known related animals.

Transfer History

  1. capture 1961-May in Gambell, Alaska

  2. transfer 1961-May-25 to New York Aquarium

  3. death 1962-Aug-23 at New York Aquarium

Physical Data

The dates listed here generally represent the time at which the measurements were published, not necessarily the date on which they were taken.


  • 1961-May-25: 140 lbs

  • 1962-Aug-23: 750 lbs

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

While I am not certain of this animal's date of capture, it certainly took place at some point in May, as the herd arrived in the United States on May 25th following the associate curator of the aquarium's only two week stay in Alaska.

Seeku's death was caused by what was presumed to be "circulatory complications" due to the ingestion of numerous foreign objects tossed into the pools by guests.


  • New York Zoological Society. (1962). Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, Vol. 67, p. 40. Retrieved from

  • We're sorry we sneezed, Aivok. (1961, October 23). Daily News, p. 6. Retrieved from