
Pacific walrus (O. r. divergens)

wild caught on October 14th, 2018

deceased in 2020

Ancestors and Descendants

None known at this time.

Transfer History

  1. capture 2018-Oct-14 in Chukotka, Russia

  2. transfer 2018 to Center for the Adaptation of Marine Mammals

  3. transfer 2019-Nov-26 to Aquatoria Yalta

  4. death 2020 at Aquatoria Yalta

Notes and Information

This walrus was part of a herd of six captured by LLC Oceanarium DV (five walruses) and LLC Sochi Dolphinarium (one individual) "near the villages of Inchoun and Enurmino". The herd was initially housed at the Center for the Adaptation of Marine Mammals, operated by Russia's Pacific Fisheries and Oceanography Research Institute (TINRO).

One of the walruses was purchased on February 4th, 2019, while the remaining five were purchased on November 17th -- on November 25th a permit was filed by LLC Aquatoria for the export of the six animals to unspecified Chinese facilities, and the following day the walruses were flown to Aquatoria's Yalta facility.

Questions arose surrounding the legality of the walruses capture and sale; by September of 2020 the herd had been confiscated from Aquatoria and into the legal ownership of the Russian Federation. This walrus passed away at some point during this litigation of an unspecified illness.

This individual's gender is unconfirmed, as varying sources stated that the six walruses were either a male and five females, or six females. As the five surviving walruses were all said to be female, this individual may have been either gender.


  • 2021-Sep-02. Крым 24. Пять краснокнижных моржей перевозят из Крыма в Москву. Retrieved from Crimea-News.com.

  • 2021-Jun-07. Prim News. Умер один из моржей, которых содержали в «китовой тюрьме» в Приморье. Retrieved from prim.news.

  • 2020-Sep-09. Коммерческие вести. Валерия Кокорина обязали вернуть моржей государству живыми. Retrieved from BK55.ru.

  • 2019-Dec-25. РИА Новости. Моржей из "китовой тюрьмы" после продажи отправили в Крым. Retrieved from RIA.ru.

  • 2019-Dec-19. Mukola.net. Интернет Газета Читайте свежие Новости дня на Mukola.net подробнее. Retrieved from Mukola.net.

  • 2019-Dec-05. РИА Новости. Шесть детенышей моржей из "китовой тюрьмы" могут перевезти в Китай. Retrieved from RIA.ru.

  • 2019-Mar-02. Интерфакс. Шесть моржат попали в «китовую тюрьму» в Приморье. Retrieved from NewsVL.ru.

  • 2019-Mar-01. РИА Новости. Сотрудники "китовой тюрьмы" в Приморье утверждают, что там содержатся моржи. Retrieved from RIA.ru.