
walrus (O. rosmarus)

born on March 1985

unknown status ≥ 1987

Ancestors and Descendants


Farouk (capture 1961-May)

Petula (capture 1961-May)

Transfer History

  1. birth 1985-Mar at Marineland of the Pacific

  2. transfer 1987 to SeaWorld San Diego

  3. unknown ≥ 1987 at SeaWorld San Diego

Image Gallery

No images available at this time.

Notes and Information

This walrus was part of the first known case of twins in a captive walrus. One source says that one of the twins survived birth and was transferred to SeaWorld San Diego in 1987 upon Marineland's closing; I have thus far been unable to confirm this information, and if it is true I am not aware of when or where the pup eventually died. Another source simply states that the pups were full term at birth -- I have no information at this time regarding whether or not one of both of the calves were stillborn.


  • Undated. Nerf-Herders Anonymous. PetulatheWalrus. Retrieved from Nerf-Herders-Anonymous.com.

  • 2013. Lisa Triggs. Establishing Endocrine and Behavioral Parameters of Reproduction in Pacific Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Retrieved from Digital.Lib.Washington.edu.